Sunday 17 September 2017

Missing Pieces

Look like I've forgotten about my blog for a while. I've been on vacation most of July and then life just happens and there is no time for blogging. Lots to catch up on but even that is easier said then done. Sometimes I feel I should just continue in the present but then I think about all those memories in the past that I don't want to forget. In case I ever want to publish my blog I don't want so many missing pieces. For now I will post a few photos and try very hard to update more often. Let me just say that my trip to Croatia was good. It was still work to settle some of my husband's folks things but we tried to fit in some down time and fun at the beach and exploring more places we've not yet been to. Seeing some of our family is also a highlight at any time that is for sure..

Love these little guys but they are growing up much too quickly for my liking.

And this is what happens when one doesn't get his way. It is sob time right down on the floor and what can we do but let him have his way.

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