Wednesday 12 September 2012

Those Who Wait

I got word from the agency completing their accreditation in Russia that they are not looking into getting L's file because they didn't want to get ahead of themselves.  It would've been nice to tell me so I didn't wait for nothing.  Still once they have their approval from MOE they will then decide which regions they will cover and one region could be Kirov.  I can see that if anything happens with L it will take a long time. 

Lately I've been checking again on another L, Lilly.  She too may be in a region no one covers.  She too may be unreachable.  Is that why she's still waiting?  How can that be that a swett little girl with big blue eyes and a little soul that's begging for love is still at the orphanage?  Is she in the laying down room I wonder?  Does her caregiver pick her up and hold and tell he it will be okay?  Of course it's not okay that Lilly still waits for a family and surgery which her heart may still need.  Like Lyla she is a miracle too just to be alive.  She wasn't suppose to make it but she did.  She pulled through obviously for a reason.  She may be the last piece of a puzzle in a family who doesn't know yet she belongs with them.  I wish I could see her smile.  There are three pictures of her but none smiling.  She needs to and deserves to smile and laugh like any other five year old.  A little soul lost in the back room.  I hope Lilly's family finds her soon.  Her time has come.

And I'm not the only one praying for Lilly.  Sarah and Rachel are still praying for her;

Handiwork for Lilly      Handiwork on Facebook     To Save Lilly and Vanessa

I inquired about her last year and I inquired about her today.  I sent her photo to my hubby last year and again today.  Not sure if it's leading anywhere yet but we shall see where the Lord takes us.  By the way we're not done the home study yet but our social worker is having her annual Adoption Training Seminar so we're going to take in October.  Eventually it has to be taken anyway so might as well take it while we can with the same social work whom we like very much.

Wishing good thoughts for Lilly.


  1. Wow Rosie.... I don't know what to say. I don't think we have ever been this close to her having a family!

    Would you please keep us updated by emailing us at handiworkforelijah[at]gmail[dot]com?? Thank you!!


  2. Lilly is the child I inquired about last year and was told that once when another family did the same someone at some point urged them not to adopt a child with such problems like Lilly's. That was at the time when she too like Lyla was not expected to live but she did. Against all odds she survived so that should tell them something, not to judge. Keep a watch on the blog, I will keep updating but I will also let you know personally if I do find a path to Lilly.
