Friday 8 February 2019

Here to Live

This was our first glimpse of our home on the day we arrived in town to close on the house. It was unbelievable that we were actually here to live and have made such a huge change in our lives. We hope for the best but are prepared for whatever might come next. I mean the house is older than Canada as our daughter Maya keeps reminding us. Anything could happen; a leak in the basement or attic, radiators could die, plumbing could back up, any number of things but we're ready to deal with it. At this time the rest of the family had not arrived yet so we did the final inspection while the current owners were still in the process of moving out. I wondered how they were feeling, leaving the house they loved, but I didn't wonder for long because this was now going to be our house and I was excited for everything to come.

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