Tuesday 15 November 2011

Lilianna's Birthday

I found out yesterday was Lilianna's 2nd birthday. I wish she could've had a chocolate ice cream cake and presents for her birthday but chances of that are slim if next to none. Marissa turned 5 in August and I wanted to send her a card and a small gift but that wasn't allowed or it wasn't possible. I can imagine why but I wanted to try anyway. Hopefully all will go well and she will spend her next birthday with her wondeful family as will Lilianna.


  1. Oh THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for posting about her!!! :) The second time today I've been surprised by a post about her and I can't stop smiling! Please do come over to my blog and link up! Let me know if you want me to do it for you or if you need help! :)

    Thank you!!

  2. I think I know what a blog hop is but I don't see it on your page, where is it?

  3. The info is right here - http://matthew18vs14.blogspot.com/p/link-up-for-lilianna-lyla.html :) There is also a link on that page for how to do it. :) Thanks!
