Wednesday 27 June 2012

Note to Self

This is really just a note to myself to say that my wonderful hubby has kept  his fingerprinting appointment.  Really, I fully expected him to cancel at any time citing he's done enought to appese me or that he's got a headache or that he plain forgot but it didn't happen.  He attended and it appears they no longer ink your fingers to fingerprint you like they used to.  They are now scanned.  I didn't know they had moved past the ink that's been around forever.

Not only has he done that but he's got in touch with the social worker and set up another appointment so start our sessions.  We're going on vacation but I hope to get in a session or two before we go.  OMG.  He really did it.  Mind you he's not thrilled about it but he's tolerating it.  I really think that for now that's enough.  We will go with that and see what happens.

In the meantime little LB is still waiting.  She will stay at her baby house for another year just in case there is something we can do to adopt her but as it looks now, chances of that are slim.  No agency works in her region and I've tried to see if she could be transferred for medical reasons or  for testing but that doens't seem possible.  I think it would take some kind of miracle for that to happen.  All stars would have to be aligned, all montains be moved but miracles do happen and one could just be heading beautiful LB's way. 

Here is a recent photo of my pride and joy, my grandson Brandon who's just passed his first birfthday, learned to walk and gets himself all over the place.  Little munchkin, he's so cute.

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