Saturday 12 September 2015

First Haircut

We knew it was coming; the haircut day that is. When Maya was dropped back at the orphanage she came with long hair. That didn't last long though because soon the hair was cut very short, something she did not like at all. She fondly recalls how her mother had styled her hair in pony tails and pig tails but when she came back to the orphanage it was all cut off. They told her they'd cut it just a little bit but that was not the case. Not that she doesn't look good with short hair too, she does, it suits her well but cutting the hair is sort of like stripping her of who she was. So, we let the hair grow for the whole year and now it has doubled and more. It looks healthy and shiny and she's quite proud that it is so long again. On August 18th we took her for her first cut in Canada which was really a trim just to even out some of the length. Here is that monumental moment recorded just like any child's first haircut might be.


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