Friday 21 March 2014

Where is Spring

It is suppose to be spring but it sure doesn't look like it. Hills of snow are still on the ground like permanent statues that will never go away. A few truly warm days could fix that but it's not yet to be.  Today was a sort of nice day however it will not stay long as they call for some sort of blizzard type weather, either snow or freezing rain overnight. Other places just north of here had bad snow storms this past week and if there is spring in this world it is not here. Those of you who are already enjoying above zero degree temperatures and flowers that bloom consider yourselves lucky to have such blessings.

On the adoption front we are still waiting on the Ministry to give their approval for higher age. I would love to call us committed but even that seems premature. This waiting is super hard. Spring would help out a lot to keep my mind occupied with clean up and gardening but we're stuck in winter mode. We just have to be patient for another few weeks and then I believe it will all come together as it should. I just wish one little girl did not have to wait another minute longer to be with her family but she does and so do we.

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